2024 Calendar
Stay tuned for constant updates about current and upcoming events
2024 Calendar
Stay tuned for constant updates about current and upcoming events
... NEWS FLASH! ... NEWS FLASH! ... NEWS FLASH! --- The ART CENTER is celebrating its 85th anniversary. Watch for a line-up of special events. Founded in 1939, the Ojai Art Center is California's oldest multidisciplinary art center. OjaiArtCenter.org 805.646.0117 |
Friday 11 5-7pm Ojai Valley Museum of History & Art Kick-off - OPENING RECEPTION Ojai Studio Artists - OSA - 2024 The Annual Tour In its long tradition of hosting the OSA annual exhibition and tour, the Ojai Valley Museum hosts the opening reception, the night before the OSA tour kicks-off; with the artists in attendance. ojaivalleymuseum.org ojaistudioartists.org Saturday 12 10am-5pm Ojai Studio Artists - OSA The Annual Tour - 2024 Most of the members of the Ojai Studio Artists have their studios open again for this annual event. Check their website for names and maps. ojaistudioartists.org Sunday 13 10am-5pm Ojai Studio Artists - OSA The Annual Tour - 2024 Most of the members of the Ojai Studio Artists have their studios open again for this annual event. Check their website for names and maps. ojaistudioartists.org Monday 14 10am-5pm Ojai Studio Artists - OSA The Annual Tour - 2024 Most of the members of the Ojai Studio Artists have their studios open again for this annual event. Check their website for names and maps. Some have shorter hours on Monday. ojaistudioartists.org >>>>>>> ----- >>>>> ---- >>> November Friday 1 5-7pm Ojai Valley Museum of History & Art OPENING RECEPTION free admission, sips and snacks. In the Realm of Spiders Curated by Cassandra Jones An exhibition about the world of spiders Through December 8 ojaivalleymuseum.org Saturday 9 7pm Ojai Art Center 85th ANNIVERSARY GALA The party is free and open to the public Live music, entertainment, tons of fun OjaiArtCenter.org 805.646.0117 Sunday 24 2-5pm Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts Giftable Glass Guest-curated by Yvette Franklin Featuring Joy Brown, Joe Calderin, Yvette Franklin, Shirley Judy, Janet McNeil, Cindy Mullins, Teal Rowe, Soni Wright On view in the. Beato Gallery through December 22 beatricewood.com >>>>>>> ----- >>>>> ---- >>> ONGOING scheduled events: 3rd Friday of each month 5-7pm Ojai Valley Museum, OVA Arts and others Free art events and fun entertainment. Saturdays (November through June) 10:30am Ojai Valley Museum of History & Art “Guided Historical Walking Tour” Approximately one-hour tour of historical and cultural attractions in downtown Ojai. $5 Members; $7 General Public. ojaivalleymuseum.org |
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CONTINUING exhibitions: Ojai Valley Museum of History & Art Ojai Studio Artists - OSA - 2024 Inside Outside Flipside features work that explores artists’ innermost feelings, how they are inspired by nature, and how thoughts or images can flip our emotions and realities. The 62 artists in the exhibition interpreted the theme in many different ways. On view through October 14 ojaivalleymuseum.org canvas and paper paintings Georges Braque, André Derain, Jacob Van Hulsdonck. Admission is free. On view through December 1 canvasandpaper.org Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts Ventura County Potters' Guild" Non-Traditional Teapots" On view in the Beato Gallery through November 16 beatricewood.com Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts Ventura County Handweavers & Spinners Guild On view in the Logan Gallery through November 16 beatricewood.com Farmer and the Cook Rotating Solo and Group Exhibitions by local artists. farmer-and-the-cook.com |
ART WORKSHOPS, EVENTS and CLASSES are offered periodically at the locations listed below.
More workshops in art, crafts, and creative activities occasionally offered around town at other venues.
• BEATRICE WOOD CENTER FOR THE ARTS beatricewood.com • 805.646.3381
• CAROLINE GLASOE BAILEY FOUNDATION carolineglasoebaileyfoundation.org • 805.633.9188
• FIRESTICK POTTERY STUDIO firestickpottery.com • 805.272.8760
• OJAI ART CENTER OjaiArtCenter.org • 805.646.0117
• OVA - Ojai Valley Artists OjaiValleyArtists.com • 805.646.5682
• SUMMER CAMP shopsummercamp.com • 805.861.7109
• TAFT GARDENS AND NATURE PRESERVE www.taftgardens.org • 805.649.2333
OJAI STUDIO ARTISTS (OSA) Founded in 1984, the Ojai Studio Artists is a nonprofit corporation focused on arts education in the visual arts. Visit their website for information about the artists and their membership, and attend their celebrated seasonal Studio Tours. ojaistudioartists.org
https://ojaihistory.com/artists-in-paradise/ An essay published in "Ojai Studio Artists - 3 Decades"
VISUAL ARTISTS REGISTRY Maintained by the Ojai Valley Museum, the Visual Artists Registry is open and free to all visual artists working in any medium and living in the Ojai Valley. www.ojaivalleymuseum.org/artist-registry
NOTE: The editor has made every effort to check the listings and calendar entries for accuracy. Please accept our sincere apologies if any errors have occurred.
We recommend that you contact the listed galleries or museums to verify events dates and opening times, as these may also be subject to change. Thank you.
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